The acronym LaSSA stands for Landelijke Samenwerking Studenten Antropologie, which loosely translates to National Cooperation of Anthropology Students. This is a partnership between different study associations connected to Cultural Anthropology throughout The Netherlands. The board of LaSSA arranges a variety of fun and educational activities. In addition, LaSSA strives for a constantly improving partnership between the adjoined study association by means of exchanging information, experience and services. The LaSSA has, besides Umoja, four other members: Djembé (University of Utrecht), Itiwana (University of Leiden), Kwakuitl (University of Amsterdam) and EOS (VU Amsterdam). The board of LaSSA consists of two members of every adjoined association. Maud Stevens and Jeroen Eijkhout are this year’s representatives of Umoja within the board of LaSSA.

Each year, the LaSSA organises a minimum of four activities varying from: an introductory activity, a congress, excursions, a career orientation day and a hitch-hiking contest. These activities form the ideal occasions to get to know fellow students of anthropology from different cities in The Netherlands. You can, for example, learn more about the way things work at other universities and obtain a better view on what lies ahead of you after completing your bachelor.  Anyhow, LaSSA activities guarantee a lot of fun, knowledge and new acquaintances. So it is definitely worth it to pass by an activity!