Umoja is the study association connected to the study Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies. The association is situated on the campus of Radboud University Nijmegen. Umoja was established in 2006 as a result of the merger between the former study association of Cultural Anthropology Quetzalcoatl and the former study association of Development Studies AKOS.
The name Umoja comes from Swahili and means “unity”. The name symbolizes the unification of the studies and in particular the study associations. Umoja is an association characterized by its enthusiastic and idealistic members who have opened their eyes to the world around them. The association organizes numerous activities with which it tries to satisfy the hunger of its members to more knowledge about this world.
Umoja organises all kinds of formal and informal activities throughout the year. These activities include a congress, parties, sports events and many more. In addition, Umoja organises bigger annual activities such as: the Umoja-Weekend, a city trip and a study trip. Furthermore, Umoja has its own ‘office’ commonly referred to as ‘de Umojakamer’, which translates to ‘the Umoja Room’. Members visit this room to relax and enjoy a nice cup of coffee in between lectures.