Study association Umoja has many committees. These committees organize various activities each year for all the members of Umoja! The committees are occupied by members of our study association. It’s possible to join committees at the beginning of the academic year. Are you interested in fulfilling a position within a committee? Then come to the committee market which will be organized during the first week of the academic year! Active membership won’t cost you any extra money and adds more fun to your time as a member of Umoja and at Radboud University.
Umoja has the following committees:
- Acquisition committee – responsible for recruiting sponsors and arranging deals for the members.
- Excursion committee – organizes a congres on Development Studies.
- Formal activity committee – focused on organizing monthly activities linked to the study field.
- Informal activity committee – organizes informal activities for the members including Umoja’s got Talent, Christmas dinner and several themed eating breaks.
- PAO committee – publishes podcasts about subjects or people central to Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies.
- Parentday committee – organizes parentday once every two years, with the intention of giving our members’ parents more insight into the day to day life of a CAOS student.
- Party committee – organizes monthly drinks and several parties throughout the year.
- Promotion committee – responsible for the promotion of activities and taking pictures during these activities.
- Travel committee – organizes a four or eight day trip to a city abroad.
- Weekend committee – organizes the Umojaweekend which takes place every November where members will spend a weekend together enjoying several activities and games.
- Fit committee – organizes multiple events around physical and mental wellbeing.